I am not afraid of time, its Just the rythm of the light that binds us all
Working with paletknife
Europe, Netherlands
Painting is for me a way to express my deeply rooted intuition. Since 2014, I have started painting and creating expressionistic abstract creations. I am self-taught in my artistry.
Nature in shape and color, a constant flow of sources of inspiration. People and how they blend into the landscape and interact with each other. The rhythm and the way light is omnipresent, everywhere and always. Patterns that can be seen in everything.
Feeling my intuition, going with the shapes of nature, taking in the light and color, a quest for harmony, an image to express, when people meet sharing their energies from a personal story taken with pleasure in layer over layer as endless proces coming alive on canvas dare to stop and wonder let the sensations in be fascinated or move on -Is this what it is?-